Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Hypocritical, Mr. Reverand Jesse Jackson...

Yes, yes, Jesse Jackson has done it again. If having a love child out of wedlock who is currently, like, five years old, and crying wolf all the damn time wasn't enough, he had to go ahead and talk about cutting off Barack Obama's nuts, because he felt as though Mr. Obama was "talking down to the black community". Now, whether you think he did or did not when he spoke to black congregations recently about how the black community must begin to take responsibility and better itself is all relative. At the end of the day, however, the Rev. Jackson's aggression towards his manhood was a bit uncalled for. Mr. Obama quickly accepted Jackson's apology that he made yesterday (coincedentially, before the clip of him making the remarks under his breath unaware that a mic was picking it up was aired on every news channel known to man), but the damage was already done. To Jackson's reputation and credibility, that is. Anyway, here it is:

This link is the original story:

"Jackson Apologizes for Obama Remarks",0,3401382.story?page=2

This link is John Kass' take on the entire event:

"Jackson's Cutting Remark may be Helpful to Obama",0,725595.column

Shake your head, love Obama, and enjoy.

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