Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sexism in the City

Though I am merely a mediocre fan of the now syndicated show, "Sex in the City", and thought at times that the outfits were a bit out there and the content a bit unnecessarily raunchy, I still developed an appreciate for Samantha, Carrie, and company. And I'm glad that she picked Big. So, like every woman under 35 who has an affinity for shoes, I was more then a bit excited about the SATC movie -- even proud of it once it hit the box-offices and became the most successful R-rated comedy, and movie with completely female-leading roles (let's not even start on how women are too often made to play the role of the doe-eyed, eye-lash-batting, adoring-and-sexy love interest in EVERY movie). However, I was more than a bit surprised when certain critics (by "certain" I mean those of the male persuasion, of course, who identify themselves as heteros) began to bash the movie -- I became offended. Below is a link to an article that best explains why these absurdly sexist, biased critics evaluated the movie the way that they did:

My, how sexism envelopes us.

Obama is he must be all that he promised to be -- and MORE.

The following is from an e-zine called Colorlines, which I frequent a lot. It makes a valid point: once in office, Obama better make good on his promises and be as dynamic as he has led us to believe he can be -- not a puppet in the hands of a corrupt, selfish, "experienced" cabinet (full of old white men? Or people of color there to fill a criteria?). Check it out and let me know what you think:

Obama is in! It's a new and different day in America!

For the record, I've BEEN knowing this for about a year now; behold, all ye doubters, Obama is the Democratic Presidential Candidate! Now, let's get him to the White House! Below is an article that explains what went right (for Obama) and wrong (for Clinton...who might be our next VP?!) and...basically how McCain doesn't matter. Well, maybe that last part is my own personal bias, but behold:,0,2494342.story

The New Face of Islam

After decades of radicalism and terrorism shining a negative light on Islam, it was refreshing to read this recent article from Newsweek, entitled "The New Face of Islam":

I urge anyone and everyone to check it out -- be informed, never ignorant, about the present-day, true Islam.