Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer in Chicago, and apparently, living is not so easy...

Today marks the funeral of the 27th child within the Chicago Public School system who was ruthlessly murdered since the beginning of the 07-08 school year. A few weeks ago, a CPS school teacher was shot in the head while she was waiting for her neice in her car -- it was a case of mistaken identity, but that clearly does not matter now. It is beyond me how this city could lose 27 children within nine months; however, while our mayor and governer are intertwined in business that deals with their own greed for money and power and out police force struggles with corrupt cops, it comes as no surprise. In the midst of our leaders' personal issues, they are losing sight of the big picture, and as a result our children and educators are dying.

Just a little over two months ago, a friend of mine who was only 19 and on the eve of finishing up her freshman year, died in a car crash. It was most unexpected, and all I could think was that her life was cut short, so short that it had barely even begun. I think about her often. I wonder what kind of woman she would have grown up to be, what she would have accomplished, how proud she would have made everyone who loved her and cared for her. And now I think that the loved ones of 27 people have to wonder the same thing of the person that they lost -- in many cases much sooner than we lost Maria. They will never ceases wondering.

This is the first summer that I have been home in over two years, and I was looking forward to it. Summer in Chicago is amazing in so many ways -- from the beach, to downtown, to the festivals and the Taste, there is so much to do. And yet, May marked marked what seems to be the most bloody, dangerous summer that we have ever experienced. All of a sudden, I feel as though there is much to fear instead of look forward to.

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