Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Nikhar Ahmed...and AmeriCorps?!

Those of you who know me, know that I am passionate about three things: diversity, equity, and social justice. Working for the AmeriCorps appears as though it would give me the opportunity to express the latter two qualities all while helping people in the bargain. Has anyone participated in an AmeriCorps program, who would have any insight or advice to offer me concerning the organization?

Black Men and Asian Women

I don't come along too many articles or books that I feel are quote worthy or feel strongly enough to want to take the time out of my life to post, but this one here struck my interest: http://www.alternet.org/mediaculture/41857 . Granted, it may be because I am somewhat personally invested in the "phenomenon", but let me make it clear that I do not completely agree with everything that the article says, but support the fact that interracial dating, especially for Asian-American women, must become more acceptable both within the Asian-American community and out amongst general society. Let me know what you think...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Nikhar Ahmed -- The Goings on of Summer...

So, my father came through again! That means that I am working at Devon Bank for the summer. The bank is located in Chicago; my father has worked there for nearly 18 years, and they've been very good to him and the family. While I must admit that banking was never really a passion of mine, the work keeps me busy and engaged. Plus, knowing that I am being productive and serving the community makes me feel good -- it's a lot better then folding clothes at the nearest Gap for eight hours, or waitressing (though I may take that up for a bit, just to make more money). Money, though, is the reason why I am working, rather than relaxing after graduation; I don't know what God has in stock for me yet, but I want be prepared, and you need dollas for that. Anyway, if anyone ever comes by the bank, make sure to come and see me!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Nikhar Ahmed -- Help, I need an apartment in the CO!

Hey all, I am excited to announce that I have graduated (as of May 11, 2008) from Denison University and am embarking on a new life! I plan to find a job soon, hopefully in Columbus; thing is, this means that I will need to relocate from my home in Chicago (by way of Skokie) to Columbus, OH. My plan is to actually move to the CO in late August, no later than mid-September, and that means I need two things: an afforable apartment, and a roommate. I think I may have a good hold on the latter -- a friend of mine from college is potentially interested in rooming with me if she is able to find a job in the CO. When it comes to apartment hunting, though, I'm a bit clueless. Anyone have any suggestions/advice?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Nikhar Ahmed - Distinguished Leadership Award

Link to an award I recieved after four years of service to my college community.


Nikhar Ahmed - NASPA

Me listed on the list of NASPA Undergraduate Fellows


Nikhar Ahmed - AASU

An article about how a group of us at Denison University helped to form its first Asian American Student Union.


Nikhar Ahmed - MAASU Leadership Retreat

Link to a site about a conference I helped organize


Nikhar Ahmed

Hey guys, this is Nikhar. I read about these blogs before but I never thought that I, Nikhar Ahmed, the most computer-illiterate of them all could ever come to understand how to use one/actually utilize one. I have decided that this is a good way to keep in touch, though, so comment away (those of whom I know and love, of course)!