Thursday, May 15, 2008

Nikhar Ahmed - Distinguished Leadership Award

Link to an award I recieved after four years of service to my college community.

Nikhar Ahmed - NASPA

Me listed on the list of NASPA Undergraduate Fellows

Nikhar Ahmed - AASU

An article about how a group of us at Denison University helped to form its first Asian American Student Union.

Nikhar Ahmed - MAASU Leadership Retreat

Link to a site about a conference I helped organize

Nikhar Ahmed

Hey guys, this is Nikhar. I read about these blogs before but I never thought that I, Nikhar Ahmed, the most computer-illiterate of them all could ever come to understand how to use one/actually utilize one. I have decided that this is a good way to keep in touch, though, so comment away (those of whom I know and love, of course)!